O’Neal Helps Secure State Grant for Precision Steel Manufacturing Plant

December 6, 2021

HARRISBURG – Rep. Tim O’Neal (R-Washington) today announced the release of $1 million in state funds to construct another phase for a precision steel manufacturing plant in Canonsburg.

O’Neal advocated for support through the state’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Project (RACP) program. Funding for the projects was authorized by lawmakers in the Capital Budget Project Itemization Act.

“This project reuses an existing commercial site to help fight blight and bring jobs to the area,” O’Neal said. “I remain committed to assisting to redevelop properties and bring family-sustaining jobs to the area. The plant has been open now for more than a year. This grant will bring the full project to fruition.”

This is the second time O’Neal has assisted with securing state funds to construct the plant.

Ameri-Precision Metals has repurposed a Canonsburg building into a precision specialty steel manufacturing plant. It manufactures high-quality specialty steel to be sold domestically and globally for production of industrial blades, knives, springs, in the auto industry and in general component parts. While the project is being implemented in three phases, this grant will assist with excavation and construction of the foundations for pieces of rolling mill equipment.

The 48th Legislative District in Washington County includes the city of Washington; Chartiers, North Franklin, North Strabane and South Strabane townships; and Canonsburg, East Washington and Houston boroughs.

Representative Tim O’Neal
48th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tracy Polovick
RepONeal.com / Facebook.com/RepTimONeal

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